Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The MORMONS PBS documentary.

How bad does your organization have to be when a biased program(in your favor) still makes you look bad.The PBS documentary is not a competly unbiased look at Mormonism, it is has a pro Mormon slant, yet it is still having a devastating impact on believing Mormons.

I have recorded a special podcast with fellow Exmo Scholar Samuel the Utahnite. This will give two different takes on the PBS show and should be a very informative and interesting show. It will be online soon.


Anonymous said...

I loved your interview with Samuel. I have faithfully followed his blog for a long time.

Thank you SO much for putting your blog up. It is wonderful to see more and more exMormons who were faithful, tithe-paying, former missionaries come out and TELL the REAL truth about the LDS church.
PS: Where can I listen to the Skypecasts??

Gunner said...

Good interview