Thursday, April 26, 2007

Attention to all LDS Missionaries "Leave Me Alone" and "No means No"

Last Saturday I was finally having a chance to sleep in and get a good sleep when early in the morning the doorbell rang. I tried to go back to sleep but the bell kept ringing 5 times until I had to get up ,it was only 8:45 on a Saturday morning. It was Mor(m)on Missionaries bothering me again. Just because the Cult you are recruiting for does not allow you a life the same is not true of the rest of us.I do not like being bothered all the time. Since I was once part the Cult I know all about it.
Why do Missionaries lie so much , I heard the Missionaries talking to my neighbor saying " We appreciate you are Catholic ,we are not Trying to take away from that or change your religion just teach about Christ" . What a big crock of shit you are Missionaries your goal is to convert people to your Church, that is your only purpose. Be honest with people!
When people say NO I am not interested , leave the alone , you never take no for an answer. To quote ,rape counseling "No means No" this applies as much to you as anybody. When someone tells you no they mean it. Why does it take threats or swearing to get you to know we are not interested. Remember No thanks you means "Go Away".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I look forward to reading about your experiences. I have been following Samuel's blog for sometime, so I heard about you through your recent interview with him.

Great job!!
